Sunday, January 12, 2014

Scottish Accountant is a Saturday Night Winner

A thirty-six-year-old Scottish accountant has won nearly £600,000 in the Saturday night UK National Lottery drawing on January, 4.
Barry Loughrey, who lives in the Highlands, purchased two lotto lucky dip tickets from the Tain branch of Tesco while doing some shopping with his fiancée, Ildi Kiss, 28. 

The pair checked their numbers the following morning, using Loughrey's phone. Due to a poor reception they initially thought they had won £585 and planned to use the money to pay for a photographer for their wedding this summer. A closer inspection revealed a comma at the end of the numbers. Unable to discover what followed the comma, the couple rushed over to Loughrey's parents' house to use their computer. When they saw the missing numbers and discovered they had won £585,956, the lucky lovers couldn't believe it. 

The win was especially lucky because the pair had originally forgotten to buy any tickets, but returned to the store especially to do so.

"We kept double-checking the numbers as no-one could quite take it in," said Loughrey. "I'm so glad we went back in to the shop when we forgot to buy our ticket."

Loughrey and his fiancée had already organized most of their wedding and do not plan on going overboard now they have some extra money in the bank, but they share a car at the moment and intend to buy an extra vehicle to make their lives easier. They also plan to use some of their lotto windfall to pay for a few trips abroad.